Wednesday, November 4, 2009
慧眼平等 视众生,九天十地显法身,
一片清净观自在,渡尽塵间有缘 人。
南海祥云出千朵,净瓶 降下万点露,
大慈啊, 大悲啊!观世音菩萨。
大慈啊,大悲啊!观世 音菩萨。
观音大士无边 力,普渡钟声成正果。
The melody and lyrics of this song touch my soul.
I used to listen to this song when i was in secondary school.
Now i try very hard to find bec this song, but to no avail.
Hopefully,someday when the 'yuan' comes, i'd have the chance to listen to it again.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Last 4 weeks, i had been having a hectic schedule. I had my Operative Surgery cycle and subsequently followed by Ophthalmology cycle. For Ophthalmo, we got a rather strict teacher, Gndoyan, the docent of the department. Well, my group seemed to enjoy her lessons so much. Perhaps she made us think, instead of memorizing blindly.However, the cycle was shortened due to the crash course organized by our dekanat for the 'government examination'. We really 'rugi' la..since we missed 5 days of ophthalmo lessons because of that.
For Operative Surgery, it's a different story. We got back our previous sem teacher. Everyone was happy with that. Actually i mentioned before that i like the department. The lecturers of the department made me love to come for the lessons. There are 3 lecturers for English medium students. All of them are like so kind, cute and dedicated.
Photo taken with 2 lecturers of the department with students of Group 34 and Group 35.
The old woman sitting on the chair is the senior lecturer of the department. Everyone calls her 'nenek' and even tagged her as'nenek' in's kinda funny..There's 1 more kind lecturer in which everyone calls her as ' Sailormoon' ..but she wasnt in the photo. At the end of the cycle, we gifted our teacher, Ekaterina, a thank-you card with a metallic photo in which we took with her during the last class of the previous semester. Everyone of us wrote in the card and we hope that she could feel how much we appreciate her as our teacher.
Now i am just starting my Neurology Cycle. My teacher is a young and brilliant man. Neurology cycle is a bit relaxing compared to Ophthalmo cycle, that's why i can allocate some time for the long-abandoned blog..haha....
I am happy that i got all good and dedicated teachers for all those cycles. Lecturer is a every important element in the learning process, i think. They could share with us their knowledge and perhaps spur us to learn.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Back in Russia
huhu....I always asked for window-seat when i checked in.
I will be very happy when i saw MAS in whichever airport.
The feeling is always overwhelming when you witness the the plane flied off...
I cant forget the nightview of London and Hongkong when i overlooked those cities from the plane . That was magnificient. And this time, I flied off from my own country, the 1st time i feel its beauty.The nightview of Kuala Lumpur is amazing too..That's the reason i always like to board the flight at night.
I looked back....after updating my passport details in the electronic machine.....
See you in 2010, Malaysia!
I will be back though the airticket costs around rm5k every year....
555.....have to start cooking again!~~~
My dinner, 45 minutes gao dim....yea!~~haha
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Summer Holidays
It has been a long time since i last updated my blog.
yea, last month i went to Kamal Bookstore which's located in front of Hospital Kuala Lumpur to buy some 4th year medical books.
Ear,Nose and Throat (ENT)
Obstetrics & Gynecology (O&G)
Internal Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Those books were quite costly,up to a few hundreds ringgit. I didnt buy any reference book for Neurology as i am not sure which one is good.
Recently i really like to take the pictures of various kind of food.
Hehe....perhaps i cant get those food in Russia,or perhaps i really have a special liking towards Eastern food. Tat's why i always ask for oriental cuisine in the flight.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
哭到喉咙沙哑 还得拼命装傻
我故意视而不见 你外套上有她的发
我已剪短我的发 剪断了牵挂
长长短短 短短长长
我已剪短我的发 剪断了惩罚
反反覆覆 清清楚楚
一刀两断 你的情话 你的谎话
Monday, July 6, 2009
Journey Back Home
At Domodedovo airport (Moscow) with my groupmates. We were all going to take Qatar airways back Malaysia. But it turned out to be a great havoc. We all bought ticket from the agent in Moscow. Most of our names were actually in the waiting list and most of the flights were overbooked as now is the peak season. So, most of us stucked in the airport and only a few of them managed to board the flight. Not only those who took Qatar airways having such problems, but also those who took Etihad airways and Emirates. Perhaps our agent didnt confirm the e-ticket for us, that's why it turned out to be like this.
After all, we stucked in Domodedovo for more than 24 hours and i changed my flight from Qatar airways to Etihad airways- national airlines of United Arab Emirates and flied back the next day.
We made a transit at Abu Dhabi for 5 hours then taking Airbus 330 of Etihad airways flied back KLIA.
Finally i get the ticket.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
3rd Year is Over!
The practical exam for Surgery and Internal Medicine( Here in Russia, we call as Therapy) actually started on May and the real theoritical exam started on June.
The Theoritical Exam includes
1. Surgery
2. Internal Medicine (Therapy) ~a very interesting subject.
3. Pathological Physiology
4. Pathological Anatomy
5. Pharmacology
Actually i am supposed to finish the exam on 30th June..but since i got Gramat ( i think gramat is something means high distinction ) for Pharmacology, that's why i am exempted from Pharmacology Exam. So, today, Pathological Anatomy is considered to be my last paper for 3rd year course. Yea, i am so happy because the end of exam means that i will be going back to Malaysia soon.
This year i'll take Qatar Airway. It's an Arabian airlines,i think and i'll most probably transit in Doha.
I had taken quite a few airlines before that. Malaysia Airlines when i flied with all those JPA students to Russia for the 1st time in Boeing 777. Then taking Cathay Pacific and transit in Hongkong and had my summer vacation there. Last year, i took Singpore International Airlines (SIA) . All the journey were long distance travel, and it usually takes around 15 h to reach KLIA.
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Anyway, i enjoy taking flight and i am interested about flight too.....if i am not short-sighted, perhaps perhaps- pilot is an ideal career ..haha.
Ok..only few more days,i can step on the earth of Malaysia.
Well, i will equip myself with sufficient masks.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
End of the 6th Semester
These were the pictures we took with our Pharmacology lecturer--Maria Kharitonova( Mary- if i translate her name into English). She had been teaching us Pharmacology for two semesters. Lippincott, Katsun, Tripati, Kharketvich....ect..haha...i think i'll nvr forget.
In front of Pharmacology Department
Inside her room
And below were the pictures we took before the end of Operative Surgery class. I enjoy the lessons of this semester and i hope my group can get back this teacher -Ekaterina Barinova( Catherine-- if i translate her name into English) next semester.
Picture taken at the entrance of the department. The Russian words above stand for " Department of Operative Surgery and Topographical Anatomy" I like this department so much perhaps along the corridor of the department, there's a veterinary clinic. Usually during the lessons, we could always see ppl bringing their pets ( eg dogs or cats) for treatment. hehe...those puppies and dogs were so cute.
Dmitri Nikoleavich and Ekaterina(above) were my favourite teachers in Russia.
Haha...each of us take turn to take picture with the teacher. I think Sudha is the most active student during this lesson.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tractonizavot Ryon
最近几乎都很忙,一味忙着考试上课,考试上课。。放学后,还得跑到另一个ryon去做ambulance service.可以说是蛮累的。
我想我在俄罗斯最常见到的就是аптека( Pharmacy). 没什么特别,只是纯粹想照照相。 现在春天了,只不过是感觉今年的春天实在是蛮冷的。时而风来,时而雨!再过两星期就是夏天了,也是考试,回家的时候。
很喜欢吃cheese cake,所以就买了一个。我是cheese lover。呵呵!特喜欢和喜欢cheese的人分享。这是宿舍一位马来男生卖的,250ruble 一个。每个朋友吃了都说好吃,证明他真的很会弄哦!哈哈!
最近收到蛮多礼物的。都很喜欢!这是一个俄罗斯朋友到kalmikia时给我买的。哪里是kalmikia 呢?这是一个佛教国(藏传的),离Volgograd (伏尔加格勒)大约6小时的车程吧!很遗憾,我已经错过两次到Kalmikia的机会了,因为3rd year实在太忙了,真的希望将来有机会踏入这个唯一在欧洲的佛教国.
这是我的Apple IpodTouch 2nd Generation.科技造福人类,可以install很多 medical books 在里面,其中包括 Harrison's practice, Nettler atlas..多方便!
我坐在marshrut上,望过去的是 Volga River (伏尔加河)。这是一条很出名的河!如果没记错,应该是欧洲最长的河。
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
刚刚考完了practical exam-Therapy(在大马医院应该称为Medicine-Internal Diseases吧!)
很疲倦,昨晚没睡。。但是我一定要在这一刻把我的心情纪录下来,因为我不想忘记。昨天听到很多人都不及格, 所以一直很害怕,很担心。
心里一直祈祷千万不要跟Jamil回答,因为听说他常常fail那些学生,有点害怕。很希望可以跟我的老师-Dmitri-也就是Head of the Cardiology Department and Dean of International Students 回答.
1 Angioneurotic Edema
2 Radioisotope and radionuclide imaging methods of investigation
3 Diabetic Coma.Symptomatology.
4.Ischemic Heart Diseases( angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis).ECG signs.
很幸运的,这些题目都不难 ,一下子就准备完毕了,等着不知会跟哪个老师回答(这里的制度是口试的)。
其实还有很久才轮到我的。Jamil 到处去问那些学生准备好了没,结果全部人都似乎在拖延。于是他就走到来我面前问我,我唯有说好。 就在这时候,Dmitri 就跟jamil 说。。‘she is my best student'(他那一刹那的表情,我想我一辈子都不会忘记) .....有点受宠若惊的感觉,因为这一句话,很自然的,我根本不用怎样回答就拿了全部5(俄罗斯的制度是 5-最好,4-好,3-中等,2-不及格)
嗯 ,终于记录完毕。睡了午觉,等下又要开始Pharmacology 和 Operative Surgery 了。一直会这样,忙到1-7-2009
*最近很高兴,有了一部新的ipod touch,无时无刻都可以掌握一切资料!!很方便。
Friday, May 1, 2009
Medal of Volgames.
Picture shot after we're back from Grand Dinner.
The dinner wasnt grand at all. After that, we "terpaksa" to go to Europa Mall to buy some food back home to have supper,instead.
The Grand Dinner was attended by our Prorector-A.A.Spasov, Dean-Dmitri Nikolaevich, JPA officer from Moscow-En.Azman and Malaysian students from a few universities in Russia.
Too bad that i didnt bring my camera during the Grand Dinner, gonna take pictures from others soon. usual, everytime when we are back from whatever party, we would surely take picture in the room...a bit mad...haha..but it's full of fun!!!