Saturday, April 25, 2009

Volgames 2009

Sakinah, Doris, Min Xin and i ( VSMU female tabletennis team )

We won Gold medal for table tennis in Volgames ( Malaysian intervarsity games in Russia )

I was so touched that everyone was supporting me during the match. A thousand thanks to them=)

The scene was impressing and i believe it would always be great memories to me. 你们的每一句支持和打气都深深烙印在我脑海里。。。也让我明白团结就是力量。。那时的情景,对我而言,都那么的深刻。

This year, Volgograd State Medical University is the host.

Participants from all the 7 Universities:

1.Volgograd State Medical University
2.Moscow Medical Academy
3.Russian State Medical University
4.Moscow Aviation Institute
5.Nizhny Novgorod State Medical University
6.Kursk State Medical University
7.St Petersburg Marine Technical University

This picture was shot after the opening ceremony. friends participated in it. For sure i will go and support them. They are performing Chinese Dance. 

Tonight i am happy, i am excited,i am touched.

For more information, please click

Saturday, April 18, 2009


The Kulich i bought in Kulinari today. I ate those Kulich which you can only find in Russia i guess during every Easter since 2006.

There are differences in the way Western Christians (Protestants and Roman Catholics) celebrate Easter and the way Eastern Orthodox Christians  celebrate it. It is interesting to get to know their culture and religion. For me, i think it's some kind of knowledge.....Never ever reject knowledge! 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Vitamin C

Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets - cold and flu defence. Effervescent tablet is good for absorption and rarely cause gastrointestinal discomfort compared to traditional tablets.

Today my groupmates were discussing about some articles published in a blog. It's actually kinda sad to hear about that. 

What kind of doctors are produced? I think it depends on the attitude of the student himself towards learning. We should not “一竹竿打翻整船人”. Some they dont really study, but there are some who really put effort on it. 

Studying properly , because we wana be a responsible doctor in future ! That's all what i can say after listening to so much hearsays.

There's always a road in front. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

день отличник---Day of Excellence

Rector of Volgograd State Medical University

MCEE of the ceremony

Receive the cert from the Rector....aiz..a bit blur!

On the stage with all the отличники.

Performances by Russian.

Performances by African

With my very good friend...Teoh Wan Jool( SP lang)
Haha...after the ceremony, i went to take photo with The Dean...also my Therapy teacher.

актовый зал (assembly hall )

Thursday, April 2, 2009






曾几何时,我们每天与身边的人擦肩而过却忘了给予他们一个最真诚的微笑 。我们每天到学校求取知识,却忽略了身边同学们所带给我们的欢笑与美好回忆。也曾几何时,失败的时候,我们往往只会怨天尤人,把过错归咎予另一方,却忘了成功非必然,努力是必须的。在成长的过程中,有太多太多的曾几何时了。

尽管我们每一个人的际遇, 上 天所赐予的命运都不一样,但是不晓得你是否依稀记得许多永远在你脑海中抹不掉的一些画面。小时候-花火被点燃的那一刹那,我们在欢笑中成长,在掌声中找到 自信,在做错事时找到了承认的勇气,在摔倒时,尝试到失败的滋味。人生是五味杂陈的。也或许说,我们的这一路是这样走来了,没有了任何这一章章精彩的画 面,我们将永远无法触摸到“成长”这两个字,不是吗?那么人生路上一系列的挫折应该是我们最好的导师,是它让我们更有信心去迎接接下来的挑战与布满荆棘的 道路;也是它教会了我们如何从失败中,擦干眼泪站起来,不再重蹈覆辙,且成为一个不折不扣的“人”。当然也少不了一路上一直给予我们批评与责备的人,是他 们让我们成长,是他们为我们的生命多点缀一份色彩,也是他们考验了我们的耐力与由始至终从未改变过的那一份坚持。除了再三的感谢,我相信再也没有任何更贴 切的字眼能表达这一份由心生起的感激。

离校之际,我们也正迈向人生另一个里程碑,是的,当骊歌奏起时,我们将各奔前程去了,且希望自己那一瞬间的花火都是漂亮的,散发得更光更远。或许也只有坚持自己的理想、为生活而奋斗的人,无论结果如何,人生才不会是黑白的,我想。"成长就好似正在燃烧的花火一样,当遇到风雪吹袭,快要熄灭的时候,只要能勇敢地坚持下去,花火. . . . . .将会燃烧得更加漂亮!"
