Saturday, April 11, 2009

Vitamin C

Vitamin C Effervescent Tablets - cold and flu defence. Effervescent tablet is good for absorption and rarely cause gastrointestinal discomfort compared to traditional tablets.

Today my groupmates were discussing about some articles published in a blog. It's actually kinda sad to hear about that. 

What kind of doctors are produced? I think it depends on the attitude of the student himself towards learning. We should not “一竹竿打翻整船人”. Some they dont really study, but there are some who really put effort on it. 

Studying properly , because we wana be a responsible doctor in future ! That's all what i can say after listening to so much hearsays.

There's always a road in front. 

1 comment:

kokhong said...

huh..the vitamin c strong enuf for swine flu protection??